Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The top ten lists for the decade...

They're all coming out now, and I agree with some, not so much with others. I haven't even given a thought yet to my own list. And I have yet to see many of the best 2009 films.

"Best" and "Favorite" are not always the same thing, I've learned over the years. Some of the best films I've ever seen I never want to see again (1993's Schindler's List, for example), while favorite movies I want to watch over and over, even if they aren't the best (Spaceballs is still one of my all time favorites!). And I almost never agree with the Best Picture Oscar (the last couple of years were exceptions).

I know I won't be able to narrow it down to just ten for the best of the decade. And my top ten 2009 won't be complete until the Oscar marathon in February (which will be exhausting, now that there will be ten Best Picture nominations!).

So far my favorites for 2009 were Julie and Julia, Star Trek, Up, and Where the Wild Things Are. Next there's The Men Who Stare at Goats and The Informant!, both very strange but wonderful. Of course, there was also Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which was mostly excellent, though I was disappointed in some changes from the book. Taking Woodstock is one more film I enjoyed that unfortunately didn't get a lot of attention.

What I hope to see soon (and fortunately, several are likely Best Picture contenders): An Education, Up in the Air, Precious, Nine, The Hurt Locker, A Single Man. I'm going to see It's Complicated tommorow night- my last film for 2009!

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