There was another two month break- and then the summer movie season began. I totally missed out on Spider-man 3, but from what I've heard, I didn't miss much.
Next was Shrek The Third
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End
I'm a Harry Potter fan, so of course I had to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix three times in the theater! Many things from the book were left out or changed for the film, but I still enjoyed it completely. The kids are getting to be so good. Three and a half stars.
Dumbledore's Army- taking names and kicking ass!

Yes, I am a Potterhead. I cried after reading the final book, and can't wait for the last two movies. I will definitely get the special edition DVD for OOTP when it comes out. I'm even going to buy a couple of action figures for my collection...
Finally, I think my favorite movie of the summer was Hairspray. Four stars. I left the theater humming and laughing. Great cast (especially John Travolta as the mother!), terrific music and story, just plain fun. I'd love to go to a sing-along showing, but none played in my area.
Not a lot I want to see this fall. I'm most interested in His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass. I loved the trilogy of books, and I hope the first movie does well so the rest are made. Sweeney Todd, based on the great Stephen Sondheim musical, is also coming out at Christmas. And with Johnny Depp in the title role, how can it be bad?
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